who are we
Our company works since 2005 with geo-data.
From data collection, data analysis and information extraction to distribution for different applications. We develop adapted workflows and design integrated solutions with state of the art techniques.
problem => data collection => analysis
=> information extraction => solution
One important focus is the work with UAS (unmanned aerial systems) - drones
We consult user to find appropriate systems, train them in apply them and analyse the data.
An other field is the set up of geographical information systems.
We are experts in developing UAS for special and create workflows for new tasks.
Our fields of application are: Surveying, agriculture and forestry, resource management, fighting erosion and degradation, disaster managment, assessment of settlement structure and settlement dynamics, archeology.
We have international expertise leading managing projects in Europa, Africa, Asia and Australia since 2005.
Our customers are companies, authorities, international organisations and governments.
Due to our comptence network and co-opaeration with partner companies and research institutions, we are able to build suitable teams for the different tasks in a short time. This gives us a great flexibility.

Dr Hans-Peter Thamm
Geographer/Hydrologist with more then 30 years expertise in remote sensing, geographical information systems and geo-informatics in different positions in business and academia.
Numerous projects in Europe, Asia, Australia and a strong focus on Africa.
Since 2003 development and application of civil drones. Numerous, data collection, develop, research and training projects.
# Stephan Krüger, computer expert, IT structure, data processing workflows, programming
# Abi Shavatam, aerospace engineer, construction, sensor integration, programming
#Mariska van Dyk, geographer, project managment, data analyis, GIS expert
# Vincent Mamam, Geograph, project management, data analysis, visualisation
# Sabine Bergen, buerau managment, accountant